I wanna be a lot of things, and for now, it's a runner.
This is my story as I train for the 2010 Seattle Rock N' Roll marathon.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

True or False

True or False?

Pressing the elevator close door button over and over again actually speeds up the door and makes it close faster.

I see so many people in this city that tap that button repeatedly, not wanting any more people to get on the elevator, but it never really seems like the door closes any faster. And, the button is located near the controls for the Fire Department, which makes me think it's not even active all the time.

When a person does this, most notably in my office building, a little bit of claustrophobia sets in. I'm a highly claustrophobic person, which may seem surprising since I chose to live in this insanely claustrophobic city.. What with all the people, and subways, and tiny apartments, it probably seems like someone like myself with stay away from. I didn't think about this first.

Anyways, if you know, let me know. A lot of times I feel like I might yell at the person beating on the button for fear of malfunction. Knowing that it doesn't even work might help.


Anonymous said...

i think that the close door and open door buttons don't actually do anything at any time. they are there to give people a (false) feeling of control! i have always believed this, but i think i read a confirmation somewhere.

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