I wanna be a lot of things, and for now, it's a runner.
This is my story as I train for the 2010 Seattle Rock N' Roll marathon.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Poor Knee

I'm sitting here with my foot propped up and a frozen bag of green beans on my knee as I write this. Apparently somewhere along the way yesterday during my run, I hurt my IT band. Coincidentally, Chapter 3 of my training book, The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer talks about the most common injuries. According to the book, this type of injury could be due to leg length discrepancies. The only leg discrepancy that I have is that my legs are super short!

I seem to hurt my knee a lot when I run...and my back. I'm pretty sure it's my body protesting. It would much rather be playing the obstacle course on Wii Fit Plus instead of out running. But that's crazy, because it's finally gorgeous out here! 60 degrees! I can't believe 2 weeks ago we had a record snowfall and now it's practically spring.

Tonight I will keep the beans on my knee but maybe sneak in a little bit of strength training for the upper body. I wore short sleeves today to work and my oh my did my arms look wimpy. Time for a few push ups!

I'm praying for another nice day/night tomorrow because this is perfect running weather!


Monique said...
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Monique said...

Found this on the runners world website - it may assist with stretching your injury!! Hope that you feel better soon!!http://www.runnersworld.com/video/1,8052,s6-1-0-5,00.html?bcpid=2888993001&bclid=1504353751&bctid=68928548001

mollie said...

Thanks! I'll take a look at it. I decided to stay off it another night and will try tomorrow to run. I don't want to aggravate it more!

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