I wanna be a lot of things, and for now, it's a runner.
This is my story as I train for the 2010 Seattle Rock N' Roll marathon.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Just a Friendly Reminder

I'm officially in the process of becoming a Bringhurst! I guess technically I've been in this process since last July when Ryan proposed, but yesterday we went to City Hall to apply for a marriage license. We will go back in 2 weeks to make it official, then off to Kentucky for the actually ceremony. I'm getting so excited.

I'm actually excited for my 14 mile run this weekend. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm starting to prefer these long runs over the short ones. They are more satisfying. I'm hoping that it will rain again this weekend so that it's cool and the ground is wet. It's more fun to run in!

Just as a reminder, I'm still working towards my $500 goal for Joints in Motion. I'm going to steal a line from the panhandlers that I listen to on the subway everyday and say that 'every penny, nickel, dime, or quarter will help', but I prefer bills! Actually, I will take anything that you're willing to donate and it really does go for a great cause. I'm also pretty sure it's tax deductible so you can stick it to Uncle Sam come next April.



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