I wanna be a lot of things, and for now, it's a runner.
This is my story as I train for the 2010 Seattle Rock N' Roll marathon.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

14 miles and Counting...

Remember last week when I was writing about how awesome my long run was? Yeah well, this long run, this 14 mile long run, was not so much fun. For one thing, New York was experiencing a record high on Saturday. Even though I left early, it was already at 78 degrees by 9. Mile 1 was bad. Mile 2 was worse. By mile 3.5 I had to call Megan, hoping to be yelled at to stop whining and start running. However, I think 6:30 am was a little too early for her to start yelling, but I did get her blessing to walk some of it.

After about mile 5 I started to feel better. The miles started to get a little easier. In fact, without even realizing it, I ran all the way to the end of Central Park at 110th street. Then I kept running all the way across the park and then all the way back down. I managed to find my running trail too. It is such a crazy, chaotic trail. It looks like someone with severe ADD just started throwing out random trails all over the place. On the one hand it's great because it keeps you guessing where you're going. On the other hand, I end up having no idea where I'm at.

I felt so good once the run was over. I had successfully run farther than I've ever run in my entire life. My legs hurt, my feet hurt, my back hurt, but it was such a huge accomplishment for me. I can't wait to tackle the 16 miles this weekend.


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